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Royal supplier flagpole holder flag holder

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Royal supplier flagpole holder flag holder
Height 50 cm, width 45 cm.
€ 55,00

Royal supplier flagpole holder flag holder


About Court supplier flagpole holder flag holder

Something to celebrate? | Fly the flag!
Royal supplier flagpole holder flag holder is made of high-quality solid cast aluminum. The flagpole holder depicts the Royal Supplier shield with the text Je maintiendrai.

We all know the proverb ''raising the flag'' which means that you are very happy with something. It has been a good custom in the Netherlands for centuries to fly the flag when there is something to celebrate.

The flagpole holder / flag holder has a beautiful Nostalgic / Classic style and, in addition to its function as a flag holder, is also a beautiful ornament to have on the facade of your house or shed.

The beautiful Royal Supplier flagpole holder flag holder is suitable for both indoors and outdoors and fits perfectly into a rural, nostalgic, classic and vintage style house / home.

Specifications Royal supplier flagpole holder flag holder

The flag holder is made according to a centuries-old design.
Height 50 cm, width 45 cm.
Colour black.
Hole for flag is a standard size.
Made of high-quality cast aluminum, this means that it is lightweight but made of solid and thick material.